So Avery has hit the half-year mark and I simply cannot believe it! This little butterball, which seemed to be in my belly just yesterday, is now only 6 months away from being a year old. We are just in awe of how fast she is growing and changing. It seems that she does something new everyday!
She loves baby food and I'm yet to find anything she doesn't like...however we've not tried anything green yet, so maybe that will allow for a more video-worthy reaction. She is able to sit on her own for a long time but still has her "whoops, I fell over" moments. Avery has also made an exciting (and deafening) discovery...her vocal chords. She has been making sounds for a long time but it wasn't until recently that she figured out the concept of volume. She loves to yell and scream and we've discovered that she will often do this when she's tired to try to keep herself awake. This also goes hand-in-hand with the little 'tude she's developed (I think she gets this from her daddy...he disagrees). I will often get a good yellin' at (did I just say "get a good yellin' at?!?") when I do something she doesn't like, like pulling a shirt over her head or buckling her in her carseat. It is quite humorous though. It will be interesting to see what the next 6 months have in store....
Snow day + Bob Ross tutorial = too much fun!
5 years ago